29 Jul SELFIE Framework for Integrated Care for Multi-Morbidity
We’re pleased to share one of our first major milestones in the SELFIE project: The SELFIE consortium, with the help of the International and National Stakeholder Advisory Boards, has developed a framework for integrated care for multi-morbidity. The framework can be used to design, implement, describe, or evaluate integrated care [programmes] for multi-morbidity. A publication is being prepared that presents the process of developing the framework (i.e., scoping review and expert discussions) and describes it extensively.
For now, read more in the WP1 Deliverable Summary and check out the PDF of the framework.
By: FRM Leijten*, V Struckmann*, E van Ginneken, T Czypionka, M Kraus, M Reiss, A Tsiachristas, M Boland, A de Bont, R Bal, R Busse, M Rutten-van Mölken, on behalf of the SELFIE consortium (*contributed equally). Design by: Maaike Vergouwen
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