27 May Webinar Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Integrated Care
Professionals are increasingly keen to assess the effects of integrated care initiatives and payers and policy makers are keen to ensure that they allocate scarce resources only to services that have proven value for money. When evaluating the added value of complex interventions such as integrated care initiatives, we need to adopt a broad, inclusive method of evaluation and a holistic, person-centered understanding of ‘value’. This is possible with Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). MCDA is a method to improve transparency of decision-making that makes the impact that multiple criteria have on a decision, and their relative importance explicit. It is particularly suited for interventions where multiple, sometimes conflicting, criteria play a role, and the viewpoints of multiple stakeholders about the importance of decision-criteria need to be taken into account. In this webinar prof.dr. Maureen Rutten-van Mölken of the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management of the Erasmus University Rotterdam and coordinator of the SELFIE project explains the seven-step approach of value-based MCDA that they have used to evaluate 17 different integrated care initiatives in SELFIE, a Horizon2020 project on integrated care in persons with multi-morbidity..
If you are interested in learning more, you can also register for the final conference of the SELFIE project on June 13 in Amsterdam here.
And if you want to download the slides, click beneath on the download button.
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